Thursday, December 31, 2009


What is Death?

Death is nothing at all.

I have only slipped away into the next room.

I am I and you are you.

Whatever we were to each other,

that we still are.

Call me by my old familiar name.

Speak to me in the easy way

which you always used.

Put no difference in your tone.

Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed

at the little jokes we enjoyed together.

Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.

Let my name be ever the household word

that it always was.

Let it be spoken without affect,

without the trace of a shadow on it.

Life means all that it ever meant.

It is the same that it ever was.

There is absolutely unbroken continuity.

Why should I be out of mind

because I am out of sight?

I am waiting for you,

for an interval,

somewhere very near,

just around the corner.

All is well.

~ Henry Scott Holland

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!

This has been a hard,fun,depressing,intresting year. I've learned tons about people. I've learned who's my real friends. Who I can trust. And who I will ALWAYS remeber.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2nd Trimester, 15 weeks 2 days preggers.

Its been 15 weeks! Only 5 days till my 16 week appointment!!! Its the big one too. I cannot wait. This was from my 14 week scan. It wasn't the best picture, I couldn't get the whole screen. Sorry. But you can see most of it. My doctor was trying to see if she could tell if it was a boy or a girl. She said, she needed to wait 1-2 more weeks to see, cause she wasn't exactly in a position she could tell. next appointment is in 5 days!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Mommy should go in the time out corner. She hasn't been blogging. :O


In this short time..well more like long time I've blogged. We've made our way over to Phoenix, Arizona for Christmas. Boy was it delightful. So warm. Pippa hated it, knowing that she loveees the snow&cold..weird eh? She HATED Arizona. Until we went and saw Fish at an Aquarium.

Children these days.

Were we ever this picky?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tiny Little Teensy Weensy Update

A tiny update! The pregnancy,Candy Cane Lane,Pippa&I are good. Candy Cane Lane was funn.(; mmkayy. Thats all for noww. I'm going to the mall with Pippa&I'm meeting my 'friend' even thooo hes so ffrrickkingg hotttt.x] he askedd me outt. and I saidd suureeess. so were soo he's my boyfriendd. his name is Riley. HOTTIEEE. i gotta go gett a  snack for pippa, then i'll coomeee back and post a pic of him.


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Big Time Snow!

1 and 3 inches of snow last night! Pippa was really hyped when I woke her up, carried her downstairs and we looked out the window, she was giggling like CRAZY. So we both bundled up, and I sat down in the snow while Pippa crawled around, it was wet& it was pretty easy for her to crawl around, cause it was pretty even. We played for about, 30 minutes, then Pippa started crying. So we went in, change Pip's diaper&outfit and then I had some Hot Cocoa and, Pip? Warm Milk from a bottle. Pippa and I watched Jaime's funeral. ;'( It was Pippa's first time seeing it on tape, in real life it was real sad, since Pippa cried the whole time when she saw 'Daddy' going into the ground.  And when I cried, she cried along. It was very sweet. After that I set down for Pippa to take a nap. While she napped, I went in the living room and played 'Amazing Grace' 'Up on the Roof Top' 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer'
After playing, Pippa woke up&we played some games/races. Me and her raced. (: crawling, except I walked, cause I can't bend very well already. ;L Just finished dinner 10 minutes ago, and at 7ish we are heading out to watch Candy Cane Lane..I can't really explain it...just look it up on Yahoo or some search engine...well you drive around and look at all the decorated houses..all I can explain.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

11 weeks..

I can't wait much longer..really I can't! I NEEEEDDD to find out the gender of my baby cause people at my work&family need to know so they know if they need to get boy clothes or girl clothes for Christmas. Its stressing me out, cause my Mum is all, 'WHATS IT GUNNA BE?' and I really say, 'MOM, I CAN'T FIND OUT TILL AFTER CHRSITMAS!' And I hang happens everyday, and now she hasn't called me for a week now..I'm getting worried..but I'm sure its just cause shes not caring anymore...

Well Pippa loved St.Nick's Day.
She got A little Board Book (GoodNight Little Pookie)
PJS! (Duckies!)
A Pacifier (New one, she will NOT give them up)
And a Baby's First Ornament

It was a good,exciting morning for her. I loved how happy she was. It brightened my day.(:

Its Real Stressful

Around Christmas. Being a 20 year old with 1, 10 month old little girl&1 bubba on the way isn't easy. Cause, I mean..getting around isn't that easy, buying presents without Pip knowing whats inside is SUPER hard, cause I don't have a boyfriend.husband to sit at home with her while I go Christmas shopping, and I've got to get B-DAY presents for her since her birthday is right around the corner. Its hard. And I bet every mother can agree..husband or not. Its real stressful. I'm getting minor pains when I walk already, and since I need to walk every minute of everyday to keep Pippa safe, I'm in pain almost 24.7. Its not fun, and I'm afraid this 1st Chrsitmas for Pippa might be the worst. ): I'm really worried I will ruin her First Chirstmas...):

Friday, December 4, 2009

199 Days to go.

Can I wait though? NO. I can't wait even 6 more weeks to find out the gender!! You know, I don't even care what gender it'll be. (:  I wanted a little boy, and I got a girl..think I don't love Pipp to death? Well, if your smart, you'd know I love her...more than to DEATH. I love her to from around the world and back 40000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times. (: More though. And I'll love my little bubba just as much. (: I'm due June 21st 2010. I'm going to make some dinner, then hang Pippa's stocking.