Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Chest Infections and Others

Jenna could be at risk for Chest Infections, but breastfeeding can prevent this..
But here are some others

•Intellectual disabilities,

•Cerebral palsy

•Breathing and respiratory problems,

•Vision and hearing loss, and

•Feeding and digestive problems.
I'm very nervous about #2 and #3 the most.  Yes of course I'll still love her if she has breathing, respiratory and Cerebal Palsy. But It will be hard work, especially since if she has breathing problems further in life, we will have to sleep with her, and be by her 24/7. Cerebal Palsy, she would be mentally challenged, which would also be a challenge for Dylan and I to handle. Atleast CP won't show until shes about 2 or 3.
124 days to go..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I just followed 2 more peeps.

I think them both are real. (: especially quinn cause shes got pics of her and caden, caden alone, and a video.


Pip is almost 13mos! March 1st. :) Its nice...
I mean I have a baby in the NICU I think about 24.7, then I have this other baby here I always think about too.  Pippa cries...poops...pees...plays... just like any other baby would. Shes perfect, Jenna&her. I've decided no more kids till I'm atleast 24. Also, its Tuesday, and Dylan is bathing Pippy. (B!G SUPR!SE.) lolz. Whatever, he's the Hygiene-Man around here, I don't care if he cleans her! One less day I need too. :DD but sometimes I like tooo. cause shes sooo crazy and silly in the waterr. (: 125 days..

Monday, February 15, 2010

Pippa,Dylan and I

Dylan,Pippa and I are going to go watch the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games 2010 right now, have some popcorn, juice and have a little snuggle, I mean its been a while since this could be possible. Pippa just is getting out of the bath, Dylan insists on giving her a bath everyday. :S I say everyother day is fine..he's a hygiene freak-o thoughh. TOTTALY DYLAN!!  Yeah Pippa wants to hold Jenna, I want to let her but in a way, I don't! I mean shes too tiny! And I was just allowed to hold her!! Whatever, when Jenna gets home Pippa will be allowed! :) But you know what I just noticed... :( Jenna won't be home till June....


Caroline your right, I'll make the most of these 126 days. Its fun choosing clothing, cribs,toys and all that jazz. I'm looking or have already bought these items, http://www.babysupermall.com/ has great sales,deals and excellent choices for babies!! The swing above shouldn't be holding babies till they are 5.5 pounds up to 30 pounds, and we need one cause with Pippa all she did was sleep in the swing at my moms house, not the crib the swing. And we need a swing since we never bought one. By the time Jenna is home, she should be atleast 4 pounds, if not heavier, they said maybe even 6 pounds! All the clothes are Preemie clothing which I thought I'd NEVER find!!! The Guppy Teether might not be getting used for probably until she is able to pick up things and put them into her mouth.  Jenna is doing well, and the neonatal intensive care unit is doing excellent with her, Jenna wasn't due for 16 more weeks about, so... shes doing well for her early birth.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

'Lil Baby Jenna is here

Jenna was born Feburary 5th 2010, 9 days ago. She was born at 11:43 at night. She was 1 pound 2 ounces, she has gained about 4 ounces in the last 9 days. She's doing fine, but I really wish she could come home, but still 127 more days, we are all counting down...need help keeping track, just check out the baby ticker on the side.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The results are in...

And if you read the following blog, it was......dum dum DUMMMMM. WRONG. Its a girl. The chart promised 99.9% accuracy, don't use it. Its trash. :) She was in a little hard of a position to see, but the doctors said, how about you go eat, shop, or something. Come back in 4 hours, and we'll check you out. I came back, she still was a little hard to see. But, We waited 4 more hours, and WA-LA. We could see well enough. He's 80% sure. But we'll see in around 20 weeks, see what he see's and I'll give you feed back. :) When I posted my picture of Pippa, I'd say she was...9-10 months old. Now shes chubbier, :), short haired, and even cuter as the days pass. And her hair is darking up! Alot, I'd say. (: I'll post some pictures when she turns 1. Hope thats okay!! My schedule is real tight, so I gotta get going.

Dylan asked me what I'd say if he proposed to me. I said 'Yes!' He smiled, kissed my cheek and got up, comforted Pippa, :) He's really a great daddy to her, and I plan and hope that he will be her Daddy soon enough. ;) I mean, he'll never be her real daddy, but...she loves him and he loves her like father and daughter would.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I am a proud,proud parent.

To goregous Pippa Gracie Udenn. I love her with my entire heart. BUT GAWSSHHH. She hates hair cuts. She looks SO different. I gave her a pretty decent haircut this morning, just to make sure her hair wouldn't stop her from being able to see, and it might stop her from walking. :S Wow. http://mypage.direct.ca/j/jfeng/gender.htm Check it out. I don't exactly get how to use it..but maybee.. :D

As I see it, its going to be a boy!!!. We'll just have to wait and see though eh?

I did 20 as my age, then I went to the month I got pregnant, November...we think!

We'll just have to wait.


SOOOO. Since I'm just about 16, they are trying to get me in today for the ultrasound. And they need to see if she/he is "shy" as I should, say..in the right position to tell. My appointment is in an hour...so I shall get goingg!!!

Pipp is coming along too...so lets hope she is okay to wait for an hour without toys! You know how long ultrasounds can take, espiecally the big one!!